Dual rainbow in America

After a tornado, the beautiful double rainbow appeared in the United States and a resident captured the scene.

>>>Strange rainbow twin

Picture 1 of Dual rainbow in America
Dual rainbow in Wyoming, USA on September 1. (Photo: Livescience)

Jonmikel Pardo, a man in Lander, Wyoming, USA saw a double rainbow appear on September 1, but it was not until September 17 that newspapers published images that he took.

"That day the clouds melted just as the sun was about to grow behind the mountains. The space in the sky was big enough for the rainbow to appear in brilliant colors," Pardo told Livescience.

"Raw materials" to create rainbows include sunlight and rain drops. When the sun's rays meet water droplets in the air, they will be bent (refracted) or bounced back (reflected). In the process, light is scattered into seven primary colors. Most of the light escapes and focuses into an arc on the opposite side of the sun. It is a first-class rainbow. The colors of the rainbow arranged in turn: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, purple.

But part of the light is bent once more in the drop of water, creating a quadratic rainbow when escaping.

If the light is bent three or four times, the third or fourth rainbow will appear. But after each reflection, the light becomes weaker and the rainbow is also dimmer. So people often see first and second grade rainbows, but rarely see the third and fourth degree rainbow.