New Zealand is known as

When we were young, we were taught that rainbows form when airborne particles act as a small prism, bending, splitting light from the sun and when there is enough water, enough

In recent years, we have always seen some amazing natural phenomena appear in the sky of Vietnam.

A photographer captures the moment when a rare night rainbow and a virtual aurora appear at the same time in the starry sky.

After a tornado, the beautiful double rainbow appeared in the United States and a resident captured the scene. Jonmikel Pardo, a man in Lander, Wyoming, USA saw a double rainbow

Andy Kyle, a 53-year-old man in Dartmouth City, Devon County, he sees a double rainbow above Kingwear - the name of a village near the seaport - when looking out the window of the

Admire the beautiful images of the rare occurrence of rainbows around the world.