Early and adequate sleep helps children avoid depression

The results of an American study suggest that going to bed early will help teenagers resist depression and obsessive suicide.

The study, based on children aged 12-18, showed that babies who slept after midnight had 24% more depressive symptoms than those who went to bed before 22 hours.

Picture 1 of Early and adequate sleep helps children avoid depression Children who sleep less than five hours a night are 71% more likely to be depressed than those who sleep eight hours.

An estimated 80,000 children and teenagers in the UK suffer from depression.

Researchers at the Medical Center of the University of Colombia, New York, looked at data collected from 15,000 teenagers during the 1990s.

The conclusion is that for every 15 cases studied, one is depressed.

In addition, the rate of children who have time set by their parents is that after midnight, they think about suicide 20% higher than those who go to bed before 22 hours.

Children who sleep less than five hours a night are 48% more likely to attempt suicide than children who sleep eight hours. For children who regularly sleep well, depression is 65% less.

Depression and suicide obsession often appear higher in girls, adolescents, and children with less parental attention.

Most of the parents of the children participating in the study asked me to go to bed at least 22 hours. A quarter of the cases let me go to sleep at midnight or later. On average, children sleep 7 hours 53 minutes a night, less than the nine-hour recommendation for this age group.

Dr James Gangwisch, the head of the study, said that although depression may be more difficult for teenagers, it is clear that parents set a bedtime schedule for their children in relation to depression. .

Obviously, the lack of sleep makes depression worse.

Lack of sleep can affect brain responses, affecting the ability to analyze, judge, focus and control behavior./.