Earth warms very fast in the next 10 years

Meteorological experts say global temperatures will rise faster than expected in the next 10 years due to climate change.

After a record hot summer in 1998, the world experienced a period in which temperature dropped significantly. That fact is used by people who don't believe in climate change to say that greenhouse gases don't increase temperatures.

However, a new study by the US Aeronautics Agency (NASA) shows that global temperatures have decreased because the sun is entering a weak phase of its operation. During this period, the earth receives less light than before. In addition, El Nino weather phenomenon also makes the climate on the Pacific become colder.

Picture 1 of Earth warms very fast in the next 10 years

The world is witnessing a temporary decline in temperature due to the sun entering a weak phase in its life cycle.(Photo:

But from this year onwards, the sun's activity will be strong again and the El Nino phenomenon will cause storms and heat everywhere. That is the statement of the Institute for the study of the US Naval Goddard space and research center.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has also predicted that the earth will become hotter as the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere continues to increase.

Gareth Jones, a climate researcher for the US Meteorological Agency, confirmed that the effects of the greenhouse effect could temporarily settle down with the 'weak phase' during the sun's cycle. But in the long-term, it is an inevitable trend in the context of emission reductions. Jone said that in about 10 years after 2011, the earth's temperature will rise higher than in 1998.

'That ability is up to 50%. If after 2011 the temperature dropped below the level of 1998, it was unusual. The effects of humans are so great that any natural phenomenon, including El Nino, can prevent global warming , 'he said.