Eat grapes for sparkling eyes

Children are always encouraged by their parents to eat lots of carrots to be good for their eyesight. Now, a new study shows that they may have other sweeter choices. This juicy fruit is good for the eyes, which can reduce the risk of blindness when you get older. That is grapes.

Picture 1 of Eat grapes for sparkling eyes
Grapes are not only good for the eyes but also reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer and Alzheimer's.

Research confirms that grapes can resist the damage caused by oxidative stress , protecting the retina 's functions and structures.

In the study, rats were fed grape powder. The results showed that the group with a rich diet of grapes both functioned and retinal structure was significantly protected. Mice in this group maintained retinal thickness, number of photoreceptors and light reception activity, despite high oxidative stress.

While the other group did not eat grapes, the retina was damaged and damaged, there was a significant decrease in thickness. Photosensitive cells decrease by up to 40%, light reception activity is also significantly reduced.

Recognized as a superfood, grapes contain lots of vitamin C and K, as well as beta-carotene.

Previous research by scientists at Glasgow University suggests, grape juice may also reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer and Alzheimer's.

Another study by scientists at Washington State University found that eating grapes would prevent weight gain . They contain a compound called resveratrol - also contain blueberries, strawberries, raspberries and apples - helping the body convert excess white fat into beige fat that burns calories.