Red wine improves life expectancy

Scientists at the University of Buffalo (USA) have discovered that resveratrol in the skin of red grapes can help protect the body against aging.

Picture 1 of Red wine improves life expectancy

Drinking red wine can help you improve health and improve longevity.
(Photo: Telegraph)

The team also said resveratrol may help reduce inflammation in the body - one of the causes of cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

Dr. Dandona and his colleagues at the University of Buffalo (USA) conducted experiments with 20 volunteers and were divided into two groups.The first group was given a supplement containing 40 milligrams of natural resveratol, while the other group received a similar supplement but did not contain any active substance.

Participants were asked to take 1 tablet daily and continuously for 4 weeks.During the experiment, the researchers also took blood samples of volunteers at times: after 1 week, after 3 weeks and after 6 weeks.

Results of the analysis of blood samples later showed that resveratrol is capable of killing molecules that cause inflammation in the body.In addition, this substance also works to prevent the formation of compounds in blood vessels and diuretics, reducing the risk of developing diabetes.

However, Dr. Dandona notes that the initial research results show very positive signs, but more research is needed before putting these results into practice.