Eat plenty of green vegetables to avoid diabetes risk

A research program by British scientists has shown that people who eat green vegetables regularly will reduce their risk of type 2 diabetes.

Picture 1 of Eat plenty of green vegetables to avoid diabetes risk

Eating lots of green vegetables daily will help you avoid the risk of diabetes.
Photo: Internet

Scientists at the University of Leicester in England have analyzed previous studies on the link between health and diet of more than 220,000 people.The results showed that people who ate 120 grams of spinach and other green vegetables daily had a 14% lower incidence of type 2 diabetes than others.

Scientists say that this effect is probably due to green vegetables that are rich in antioxidants and magnesium elements.These ingredients work to minimize the risk of diabetes.

However, researchers also warn that people should not eat green vegetables alone but instead turn them into an important component of a meal.Through proper diet and composition, the risk of diabetes will be significantly reduced.

Type 2 diabetes, which is a chronic disease caused by insufficient pancreatic insulin, or enough insulin but it has insulin resistance, is no longer effective in helping absorb glucose from the blood into the cell. .

This disease first appeared in developed countries and then spread rapidly to countries with fast-growing economies due to a diet high in sugar and fat, as well as sedentary habits.If not monitored and treated, this disease will lead to heart disease, kidney disease, .

In the report published in the 'British Journal of Medicine' , scientists at the University of Leicester also said that more than 2 million people die each year can be attributed to the absorption of insufficient fruits and vegetables. Even in the UK, with the number of adults who regularly eat green vegetables and fruits, 86% is still not considered to be 'standard' .