Eels - Sex changing animals

Picture 1 of Eels - Sex changing animals

(Photo: VNN)

In the animal world, eel is a fish that can change breeds: female eels can turn into eels. Often eel big without eggs, small eels have eggs. Why?

Most of the fish's body, if not ovary, have testicles, male and female, from birth to death. But the eel is different, when the eel is just born, inside all the individuals are ovaries, which means that all are female.After the eel has developed, begins to lay eggs, in the ovary gradually changes the organization of cells that produce eggs before transforming into testicles that produce sperm , eels also turn into eels that can be released sperm.

This characteristic of eels is called "reverse breeding" by scientists . Female eels after 1 spawning, the egg bed will be transformed into testes, from female to male, permanently without eggs. For an entire race, every year, there is a single eel that spawns, so every year there is also a group of males that can form, thus preserving the continuation of the species.