Elon Musk: 'I want to establish a new civilization on Mars.'

Share in a recent press conference, founder SpaceX has revealed plans to bring people to settle on Mars and the lives of the first people on Mars.

Musk said he imagined that Mars had a new democracy, where laws were made shorter and more abolished than the current US.

Share at a recent press conference, the founder revealed plans to bring people to settle on Mars and the lives of the first people to Mars.

According to Elon Musk, settling on Mars will not be a pink picture.'There is a misconception that a base on Mars will be an exit for the rich. Not so. For those who want to settle in Mars, things will be extremely dangerous. It's like Shacketon's advertisement for Antarctic explorers. Difficult, dangerous, you may have to die. That's what you should think about. '

Picture 1 of Elon Musk: 'I want to establish a new civilization on Mars.'

Elon Musk shares his thoughts about building a civilization on Mars.(Photo: Business Insider).

Musk continued: ' There are still people who want to pioneer, who want to explore and cross the boundaries of danger'.

Regarding the immediate plan, Musk said that SpaceX's experts will begin making short trips to Mars and return immediately around the first half of 2019. Longer, he wants to bring 1 million people to Mars, as a plan B in the case of a nuclear war broke out.

Musk insists he wants to create a civilization on Mars before an event like World War 3 begins on Earth.'I think the possibility of another World War is possible.'

Musk even made some predictions about how Mars civilization operates. The founder of SpaceX joked that he would be the 'emperor' of this civilization.

Picture 2 of Elon Musk: 'I want to establish a new civilization on Mars.'

SpaceX recently launched a rocket successfully, putting one on Mars.(Photo: Indian Express).

Musk wants Red Planet to have a direct democracy, instead of the US government system in use - a representative democracy - where elected people will represent a group of citizens. On Mars, Musk wants people to vote to decide on every issue.

The billionaire also expects the future land to have 'short-lived' laws so that people can easily read and understand before voting. 'Something is wrong if the laws are longer than the number of Lord of the Rings'.

Musk also wants laws that are more easily rejected to eliminate stagnation and increase citizens' freedoms. Talking about culture on Mars, Musk wants this place to have a really big bar.'Its name will be the Mars Bar'.

Update 18 December 2018



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