Email address 'self-destruct' after ... 10 minutes

You need to sign up for a sign-up address but don't want to flood in spam? Try 10 Minute Mail, a Web service that allows you to create mailboxes that have the right life . 10 minutes.

When you register to access a website, forum or service, you are often asked to provide an email address, then the following days, exasperated witnessing snake dragon spam appears in your mailbox. . 10 Minute Mail will definitely be a great solution to get you out of this difficult situation.

Picture 1 of Email address 'self-destruct' after ... 10 minutes It allows you to create a new mailbox with a permanent time to register it. And then "shout", leaving no trace. It's not complicated and the best, there's absolutely no chance for spam.

Even better when this service is completely free. You can access it at

After setting up a temporary mailbox address here, you will receive an email and can respond completely normally, only all will delete itself within 10 minutes (may be longer, depending on Your original choice).

Very quickly, this service is becoming "hit" in the blogging community. And people are giving it a title "Anti-spam detour". The application range is not much, but the fun, simple and intuitive of 10MinuteMail deserves you to look at it once.

Trong Cam