Equipment helps men test sperm at home

No need to be ashamed of the hospital anymore, men now can check the number of "warriors" at home accurately, cheaply and completely privately, thanks to new technology from the University of Virginia.

Picture 1 of Equipment helps men test sperm at home

The new test, called SpermCheck Fertility, was approved by the Food and Drug Administration in May and will be available online in July, as well as at drug stores by the end of the year.

With a test device called SpermCheck Fertility, men can check sperm density at home without a doctor. Picture: ABC.

According to ABC, users only need to take a few drops of semen into the device, and 10 minutes later it will show sperm concentration - indicating whether you have a reproductive problem or not - with 95 accuracy. %.

Although sperm counting equipment (sperm is less a problem for 89% of infertile men), it does not reflect other infertility problems such as poor spermatogenesis, malformation, not moving.

"One of the hindrances is that men are very hesitant to see a doctor, or when confronted with a bunch of questions about their ability to have children." This test allows them to examine themselves individually. At home, they can control and understand their fertility better, " said John Herr, inventor of the device and professor of cell biology at the University of Virginia, said.

Although male infertity accounts for 40% of the causes of infertile couples, the fertility test to date has been mainly focused on women.