The ability to test a man

From now on, men can test their own fertility at home thanks to a new set of products that have just been released last weekend in the UK.

Often, women are responsible for those who cannot have children. In fact, about 40-60% of infertility causes start from men. So for the first time, a male fertility test product appeared on the market for £ 35.

The product, called SpermCheck , is designed like a pregnancy test in women, indicating that a man's sperm count is normal or low. It works based on the search for a protein called SP-10 that is only present in mature sperm heads. The test is effective within 3 hours of semen collection. In particular, even the semen extracted from condoms often contains spermicides, the results remain unaffected.

Picture 1 of The ability to test a man

The accuracy of the product is up to 98%.Rod determines male fertility based on the World Health Organization index. Accordingly, if a man has a sperm count of less than 20 million sperm / ml, his ability to be a father is very low and cannot have children naturally.

Alison Campbell - head of the Pregnancy Department at Care Fertility, one of Britain's largest IVF hospitals, said: 'One of the product's flaws is that the test will still count dead sperm. . Therefore, a man has a normal sperm count but will never have a chance to be a father if their sperm is not good. '

Since this is just a "rough" test , only quantifying and not checking the quality of the sperm, the manufacturer recommends that after getting the test results, you should go to the doctor for a deeper examination. Because sometimes the sperm count is high but the quality is not good.

However, this product also brings positive contributions, helping those less sperm to quickly detect and treat in time to increase the chances of fatherhood.