This is why high IQ is nothing big

If you believe in that IQ test and give it that it is your destiny, is it worth it or not?

Most of the great people from ancient times possessed very impressive IQ, including the scientist of all time Albert Einstein had IQ up to 160-190, the painting genius Leonardo da Vinci with a 180-190 IQ or chess champion Judit Polgar owns an IQ of 170. For an average person, this number only fluctuates around 100. So it is likely that IQ below 100 is considered. is less smart!

But, is it true?

Does IQ really measure intelligence?

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Do not let any test tell you if you will succeed or fail?Your success or failure depends entirely on yourself!

In fact, IQ tests often only measure the ability of people to receive knowledge, not the innate intelligence inherited from their parents. Currently, an IQ test is said to be able to measure human intelligence based on nine areas categorized by Howard Gardner, a psychologist, including: Music, Space, Language, Private Single Logic, Advocacy, Interaction, Inner, Nature and Exist. However, many researchers believe that intelligence is promoted in these 9 areas but also extends to many other industries. So do you think a pure IQ test can discover your potential?

The reliability of competency tests not only revolves around IQ tests, but also other standardized tests like SAT, GMAT, and GRE are also unavoidable doubts about the ability to properly evaluate the capacity of human. By simply, a multiple choice test can't tell who you are, are you talented? Even if it's true, these tests can only judge you at that time, your friend of that day? If you believe in that test and tell it it's your destiny, is it worth it or not?

So is IQ really important?

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Thomas Edison, a scientist, once had a famous saying: "Thien is 1% inspired, 99% sweat".To say that to see that, in this life, what makes success is not the natural intelligence or talent, but because of each person's diligent attitude.

There is no denying that, born with a high IQ, you will have an advantage over ordinary people, the road to your destination will be shorter than those around you. But what if you were just born like a normal person with an average IQ?

Nothing? The longer the road, the faster you go, and you will find the destination of your life.So IQ 120 or 85 is no big deal.

Some scientific studies have demonstrated that smart people with high IQ only account for 25% of those who succeed in life. So what about 75% of the rest? Certainly these people do not have high IQ.Because of IQ, the factor that leads to success in career must include EQ (short for Emotional Quotient) .

While IQ can assess a person's intellectual capacity and thinking, EQ can help you develop many other skills such as communication skills, behavior and leadership skills. This is really an important thing to create the expected success.

What to do if IQ is not high?

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Not high IQ doesn't mean you are born with the fate of a loser!Completely different truth!

Instead of sitting there complaining and boredom and accepting that you are inferior, learn to become more independent. Don't let others tell you who you are, show everyone who you really are! You can choose to accept that number and believe that you are born to be a failure and go ahead, otherwise act to change it.

Remember, each person is an independent individual. The Earth has more than 7 billion people and nobody resembles anyone. So stop comparing yourself to anyone else. Maybe they are better than you in an index called IQ but you know that you are superior to those in other respects. It's just that you haven't discovered it yet.

Low IQ but low self-esteem and surrender, depression are permanently impossible to develop. Attitude is the most important key!