There is a link between sleep and high blood pressure
New research by scientists at Harvard University has just published in the journal High Blood Pressure of the American Heart Association said people with deep sleep are at risk of high blood pressure as high as 83%.
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The results of this study are true for every race, age and human weight.
After 3 years of research, experts specifically emphasized the importance of good sleep at night. Men are more prone to hypertension than women and can explain this phenomenon by their sleep quality.
Deep sleep plays an important role in learning and maintaining the ability of memory as well as reducing the risk of developing diabetes, cardiovascular and metabolic changes.
Sleep quality, diet and physical activity are of vital importance to health, including cardiovascular health and blood pressure.
Older people often have poor sleep quality and this is also a dangerous manifestation. Study sleep of nearly 800 elderly people aged 75 and older, experts emphasize changes to get deep sleep improved the health of the elderly.
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