High liver enzymes - close assassins

Elevated liver enzymes are signs of many instabilities in the body. If not controlled promptly, the illness will be worse, even if the patient is at risk of death .

It is noteworthy that the common disease in people who drink a lot of alcohol makes it easier to believe that the cause of the increase in liver enzymes is only alcohol. But in fact, high liver enzymes can be seen even in people who do not drink alcohol. So how to effectively prevent and treat liver enzymes?

Who is prone to increase liver enzymes?

There are many different causes of elevated liver enzymes, including hepatitis . Virus hepatitis when penetrating liver cells, they reproduce very quickly, very strong and destroy liver cells so the amount of liver enzymes released more. Alcoholism, malaria, liver cancer, chemical poisoning also make liver enzymes significantly increase. Biliary diseases are also closely related to the liver, especially those caused by biliary tract stones, bile ductworms, cholangitis. In addition, in some other diseases such as severe infections (measles, Rubella, septicemia) or some medications can also increase liver enzymes.

Picture 1 of High liver enzymes - close assassins
Alcoholism, malaria, liver cancer, chemical poisoning also make liver enzymes significantly increase.

Normally, liver enzymes are located in liver cells and escape into the bloodstream, causing liver enzymes to increase when there is damage to liver cells. Anyone can develop elevated liver enzymes, in which the most likely to be elevated liver enzymes, especially those who drink a lot of alcohol. If drinking alcohol is low, intermittent, the liver has the ability and time to neutralize this poison. But if you drink too much and continuously, the amount of liver enzymes is not enough to participate in alcohol detoxification. At this time, aldehydes - toxins produced by alcohol directly destroy liver cells leading to increased liver enzymes.

Picture 2 of High liver enzymes - close assassins
The toxin produced by alcohol directly destroys liver cells leading to an increase in liver enzymes.

People with viral hepatitis: In all types of viral hepatitis (A, B, C, D, E), hepatitis B is the most common. When the virus enters the liver cells, they destroy the liver cells, causing a high level of liver enzymes in the blood.

People with chronic diseases must use long-term specialized medicine, people with biliary diseases such as cholangitis, cholecystitis, gallstones in the liver also increase liver enzymes.

Elevated liver enzymes "denounce" what disease?

The liver is an organ that treats all toxins when it enters the body. Liver enzymes are an enzyme located in liver cells. When liver cells die due to aging, there is an amount of liver enzymes released into the blood at concentrations below 40UI / L (this index is almost fixed in normal people). When higher, these indicators are called high liver enzymes.

Reflecting the condition of the liver cell being damaged, the liver is inflamed. High liver enzyme index is a sign of many serious diseases such as hepatitis, liver cancer, myositis, chronic kidney inflammation, cholecystitis, myocardial infarction, epilepsy . If left untreated, it will lead to Chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, even causes liver cancer, while decreasing life expectancy, increasing mortality from 21 to 78%.

Notably, if liver enzymes increased slightly below 2 times, the patient had almost no symptoms, if not tested, it is not known. Because there is no obvious expression, the patient is subjective, does not go to the doctor, does not have a reasonable diet.

Picture 3 of High liver enzymes - close assassins
High liver enzymes reflect the condition of liver cells being damaged, the liver is inflamed.

In liver enzymes , AST (SGOT) and ALT (SGPT) indexes are two main indicators that help reflect the condition of liver cells. Every day, some liver cells die due to the aging process that releases blood into the liver at levels below 40 U / L. If liver enzymes increase by 1-2 times the permissible level, it is 2-5 times higher than the average level, an increase of more than 5 times the normal limit is severe. In cases of acute hepatitis, liver enzymes may increase by 10-20 times.

Which solution helps lower liver enzymes for a healthy liver?

In the context of liver diseases, liver enzymes have increased alarmingly in recent years, experts have advised people to implement a healthy lifestyle, limit the use of alcoholic stimulants, cigarettes, drink plenty of water every day, stay healthy, avoid staying up late. In addition, it is recommended to have a reasonable exercise regime, eat well, eat plenty of vitamins and vegetables. Besides, doctors and experts have invested enthusiastically, trying to find solutions to apply biotechnology in extracting enzymes from six types of Vietnamese fruits: papaya, turnip, and melon. Bitter, Gac, Lekima and Garlic, . help reduce liver enzymes effectively, suitable for the condition of Vietnamese people.

Experts also warned: when you know you have elevated liver enzymes, you should go to a specialist examination to be clearly identified and treated promptly, avoiding complications, especially hepatitis B.