Equipment to help drive a wheelchair by the tongue

A new device that uses a tiny magnet can help a disabled person re-roll a wheelchair or turn on the computer just by using the tip of the tongue, the American researchers said.

This magnet, which is the size of a grain of rice, allows people to orientate the movement of a cursor on a computer screen or an electric wheelchair in a room. It is easily implanted under the tongue.

"We chose the tongue to operate the system, because unlike hands and feet, which are controlled by the brain through the spinal cord, the tongue is controlled directly by a cranial nerve, usually without damage. severe spinal injuries or neurological diseases , " said Maysam Ghovanloo, an assistant professor who helped lead the project.

"The movement of the tongue is fast, accurate, and does not require a lot of thought, attention, or effort , " said the Georgia Institute of Technology.

Picture 1 of Equipment to help drive a wheelchair by the tongue

(Photo: Gary W. Meek / GEORGIA TECH)

A headset with magnetic sensors detects the movement of the magnet in the tongue and transmits radio signals to a handheld computer that can be attached to a user's clothes or to a wheelchair.

Equipment is expected to revolutionize the lives of people with disabilities, helping them more active and active in their daily lives.