A new study reveals that it is the makeup of women who causes Japanese samurai warriors to be disabled and weaker than other children of the same age.

The Journal of Cosmology recently devoted some specials to the necessary conditions and dangers associated with a trip on a manned ship to Mars.

Every 30 seconds China has an infant born with deformities on the body. Environmental degradation is one of the causes of this situation.

This new wheelchair type helps people with disabilities get to where they want just by thinking about the destination.

People with facial paralysis will experience more meaningful life thanks to artificial facial muscles invented by two American surgeons.

Thanks to computer technology that interacts with the brain, patients with disabilities will no longer suffer from pain in the paralyzed limb or lost.

Instead of using the hand to create movement, Ogo users will move their bodies to order 2 wheels. This is a new idea by New Zealand designer Kevin Halsall, and is inspired by a

Scientists have created a wheelchair that can only be controlled by thinking and they have implanted a control device into the monkey's brain to

A robot called Hybrid Assistive Limb (HAL) made by the Japanese robot maker Cyberdyne, used to support the elderly and handicapped go strange.

A new device that uses a tiny magnet can help a disabled person re-roll a wheelchair or turn on the computer just by using the tip of the tongue, the American researchers said.