Exotic ancient tree 90% accurate weather forecast in China

In Chongqing (China), there is an ancient tree capable of forecasting "stories of heaven" with an accuracy of up to 90%.

Ancient trees forecast the weather

The ancient tree was planted in Shizhu district, Chongqing. The tree has a height of 60m and has a diameter of about 3m.

Picture 1 of Exotic ancient tree 90% accurate weather forecast in China
The old tree trunk can hold up to 10 people.(Photo: Sina)

90% of the trunk, close to the ground, was hollow, forming a large recess, capable of accommodating more than 10 people. From this cavity, one can look at the sky through a small hole above.

According to an old man in the village, if the fog appears around the hole on a sunny day, then two days later it may rain. If you see through the hole and see the clouds, it is going to rain.

Tang Wenshu (92) said villagers often rely on these predictions to arrange activities such as planting and transplanting. Accurate predictability of plants up to 90%.

Tang also revealed that the tree is like a celebrity, attracting many visitors, but neither the elderly nor the elderly know exactly how old it is.

This ancient tree has long been a place where villagers gather to drink tea, chat and avoid the sun and avoid rain.

According to an expert at the Shizhu Meteorological Agency, there are differences in internal and external temperatures, so people can predict weather changes, by observing fog or clouds.