Exotic species of toad grows

Many people often think that frogs, toads are a gentle animal, but this is not true for the Russian-topped frogs, Leptobrachium boringii. Mi Mi is an endemic species of China, which is found only in Guizhou, Hunan and Sichuan provinces.

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Their favorite habitats are temperate forests or grasslands. However, today due to human encroachment, they must live on farmland or gardens near the river. This Russian Toad has a sharp mustache like a sword that grows all over the lips with the main function to impress your partner. So only males develop this special mustache.

Picture 1 of Exotic species of toad grows

In breeding season the males will grow from 14 to 16 sharp spines at the edge. At this time, Leptobrachium boringii will become unusually aggressive. The spikes used by them as weapons to compete with their partners should contain poison that can kill a third person.

Picture 2 of Exotic species of toad grows

Adult males with a body length can reach a maximum of 75mm while adult females are only about 65mm in size. They can be paired and mated into individual pairs or a male can mate at the same time with many females. When the enemy is not found, the father also mates with his own son.

Picture 3 of Exotic species of toad grows

Eggs used by females on mucus on the rocks and males are responsible for protecting with poisoned mustaches. Two males often go through a life-and-death battle to save their partners during the breeding season.

Picture 4 of Exotic species of toad grows

Currently due to the narrow natural habitat, they must move to locations near residential areas. This makes them dangerous and endangered.