Explaining the cause of olive oil can help lower blood pressure

Scientists recently published a scientific study in which olive oil is identified, often appearing in the Mediterranean menu, which may help lower blood pressure.

In a study published in an American scientific journal on May 19, scientists believe that unsaturated fats are abundant in olive oil when combined with some fresh vegetables. Can create a fatty acid that helps lower blood pressure .

Picture 1 of Explaining the cause of olive oil can help lower blood pressure
Artwork: Alamy

According to scientists, tests on mice show that nitro fatty acids are formed when eating spinach, celery and carrots that contain a lot of nitrate and nitrite, along with high-fat foods. Unsaturated like avocado, nuts and olive oil. This type of acid has the ability to control dissolved enzyme hydrolase, which plays a role in regulating blood pressure.

One scientist said that the findings help explain why Mediterranean menus are full of vegetables, fish, cereals, and red wine along with fatty foods like nuts and olive oil. reduce the risk of vascular-related diseases such as stroke, heart failure and heart attacks. However, there are not many opinions in the scientific world agreeing with the above conclusion.

Previously, for a long time there was a notion that red wine was a food that could help prolong life and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Recently, however, a new study by US scientists has reversed the notion that red wine does not bring as much health benefits as people often think.