Explanation of the mysterious tunnel helps

The secret of the story of the time tunnel is brought to light, many people are surprised.

The more than 400-meter tunnel is located in Guizhou Province, China, which in the past few years has become a place of great interest from public opinion because of the mysterious stories surrounding it.

Picture 1 of Explanation of the mysterious tunnel helps
Close to the controversial tunnel in China.

It all began in 2013 when hundreds of witnesses confirmed that they had been " time-traveling" when they walked through this strange road. Most of them said that they had "added" an extra hour to their life after getting out of the tunnel, because their watches were 60 minutes late.

At that time, a reporter from Gui Yang Evening News decided to conduct a large-scale trial to verify the accuracy of the rumor. The result he received made not many people bewildered when having 80% of trips showed that this is exactly a tunnel capable of helping to turn back time.

Picture 2 of Explanation of the mysterious tunnel helps
The test for time was delayed by 1 hour after the driver passed the tunnel.

However, the additional one-hour period soon passed away soon after the drivers went away from the tunnel.

There is no satisfactory explanation for this, many rumors spread throughout the Internet, from the tunnel being built in the right place of the "black hole of time" to the intervention of aliens. Others suggest that it is an unusual form of word.

"That's why China has so many people who live so long, surely they've been through this tunnel hundreds of times so they accidentally cheated a lot more than they really are," said one. Humorous essay of a netizen on Neowin.

Many rumors surrounding the time tunnel appear to make many people confused

It must come recently, the secret of the story of a time tunnel is actually brought to light with help from scientists. According to an information from a local television station, the phenomenon is most likely due to a telephone relay station next to the tunnel sending false signals to electronic devices.

It can be said that the impact of technology has inadvertently turned a seemingly very ordinary tunnel to become wild with full of mysterious stories around.