Extremely shocking studies of dolphins

Many people believe that dolphins are extremely intelligent and friendly animals. But recent research by scientists has "flipped" this fish.

Many people still think that dolphins are smart animals just behind humans. However, a recent study by zoologist Justin Gregg has shown that this fish is less intelligent than . chicken.

It is known that Mr. Justin Gregg is a key member of the dolphin communication project in the US, and is a famous journalist of the Fisheries Magazine (USA).

Picture 1 of Extremely shocking studies of dolphins
Photo: Alamy

'Maybe dolphins attract people in friendly looks. However, in the brain, they are nothing special. Devotion to them intellectually is a mistake , "said Justin Gregg.

According to Mr. Gregg, it is true that dolphins have some behaviors that are considered to be a common complication of higher animals such as living in groups, communicating with each other . However, that does not make them more special. Compared to other species by chickens, pigs ., these have these capabilities.

Mr. Gregg said that because dolphins are valued by the 1950s, American neurologist John Lilly discovered this species has a large brain.

'However, this does not mean that dolphins have great wisdom. Their cries are also extremely monotonous. It is possible that dolphins use them to communicate but cannot through it to alert their fellow men when in danger. The chickens still do this often , 'said Justin Gregg.

The concept of dolphins is an extremely friendly animal, also suspected. A study by the University of St Andrews in Scotland said that dolphins often kill smaller congeners that they meet even though they never eat meat.