Eyes glow in the universe

The Spitzer telescope has just discovered a spiral galaxy shaped like an eye about 50 million light years from the earth.

This galaxy has a twist like the Milky Way with a giant black hole in the middle. This black hole has about 100 million times the mass of our sun. Meanwhile, the black hole in the middle of the Milky Way is only a few million times heavier than the sun.

" International astronomers are trying to understand the fate of such black holes. Some hypotheses suggest that they have entered a" sleep "state like a black hole in the middle of the Milky Way, " said George Helou, associate director. Director of Spitzer Science Center (NASA), said.

Picture 1 of Eyes glow in the universe

The spiral galaxy is shaped like a giant eye about 50 million years from the earth.(Photo: NASA)

In the image taken by the Spitzer telescope (with an infrared camera), the invisible black hole is surrounded by a blue and white circle . That is where new stars form. Outside the ring are red twists.

" This round is the subject of research because it makes it so high-speed ," said Kartik Sheth, an NASA astronomer.

The light blue glow on the left side of the ring looks like a star, but it is actually a galaxy. Other bright dots in the image may be near stars or distant galaxies.

The arms of the galaxy (red twisting lines) are the material that is heated by heat from newborn stars. Old stars are scattered in the galaxy and emit blue light.