Fat men have poor sperm

Eating too much fat is not only dangerous for men's waistline, but also for the ability to produce sperm: their number of good breeds is much less than that of skinny guys.

Published yesterday at the meeting of the European Society for Reproduction and Embryology, Ghiyath Shayeb, from the University of Aberdeen (Scotland), said: "There has been a very long list of health risks for the condition. We can now add to the list that is poor sperm quality "

However, experts are also not sure if obese men have great difficulties in having children. If he is married to an ordinary wife who is easy to conceive, her ability will compensate. But if both spouses are fat, the problem will become serious, because obesity has been known to reduce women's ability to have children.

Picture 1 of Fat men have poor sperm

Being overweight affects men's sperm.(Photo: ABC)

The team analyzed sperm samples of more than 5,000 men in Scotland, dividing them into groups according to body mass index (BMI = weight (kg) divided by square of body height (meters)). People with the best BMI (20 to 25) have higher levels of healthy sperm than those who are overweight or obese.

Compared to the standard weight group, the fat group had 60% more risk of less sperm, and 40% more risk of having abnormal sperm.

This result supports previous studies by doctors in Danish hospitals and universities.

A few explanations of this situation have been made. Because adipose tissue affects the metabolism of sex hormones, scientists believe it may also damage sperm production.