Female hands contain a secret that only when holding the hand he discovered
Research has shown that many. And the reason is .
Being able to hold the hand of a merchant walking along the beach or under a tree can be a dream of many people.
But did the girls ever realize that the hand of the bear was always warm, while I was just a little cold, the hand became cold?
People have more muscles, their hands will warm faster.
Scientists have given answers to this question. According to researchers, females are more prone to cold and have ice-cold hands than men because they possess less muscle - a factor that helps to keep the body warm.
The Cambridge University team tested this by asking people to put their hands on the ice for 3 minutes.People have more muscles, their hands will warm faster.
Stephanie Payne, the study's lead author, said: " Women and children are less muscular so they will have a harder time coping with cold weather. Gloves will help your hands get warmer ".
Another study also showed that girls are prone to cold due to the effects of menstruation. A few days before "to the month" , the body's iron density falls to the lowest level.
Girls are prone to cold due to the effects of menstruation.
And when the iron content drops, it means that red blood cells in the blood also decrease. This makes girls' body temperature significantly reduced.
Besides, another study was done with university students, showing that fat plays a rather large role in regulating body temperature.
National Geographic Young Explorer Payne and colleagues studied and experimented with university students and locals. Volunteers helped statistically measure body composition - the ratio of fat and muscle in cold environments.
The results show that fat is the most important factor in air conditioning. And the body is a wonderful and lively system, they use muscles to create heat to keep the body warm, including the hands.
Now you understand why the girl's hand is always colder. The study was published in the American Journal of Anthropology.
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