Holding hands with your lover, your partner is an effective way to relieve physical pain

A recent study by American scientists pointed out that holding hands with lovers, especially real partners, has many beneficial effects on health such as calming pain rather than flesh emotions.

New research by scientists at the University. Colorado Boulder, USA shows, a fist has a very important meaning. Not only does it help to synchronize your breathing and heart rate, your loved one is also an effective way to help ease physical pain.

Picture 1 of Holding hands with your lover, your partner is an effective way to relieve physical pain
A fist has a very important meaning.

The above conclusion comes after a study of 22 volunteer couples to learn their tone of emotion and body.

Revealing the purpose of the study, research leader Pavel Goldstein came from the University. Colorado Boulder shared, he used to experience the feeling of a painful wife and constantly clenched his hand to successfully give birth to her daughter.

He believed that the act of holding hands helped ease the wife's labor. And this urged Goldstein to look deeper into this magical psychological impact.

Goldstein said: "I want to test that feeling in the lab. Can someone be less hurt when they touch other people? And what if it will?".

According to ScienceAlert, Goldstein and his colleagues tested 22 couples aged 23-32 years and lived together for at least 1 year. Everyone must wear an EEG (EEG) to test brain waves and undergo arranged situations.

Picture 2 of Holding hands with your lover, your partner is an effective way to relieve physical pain
Only hands-on and skin contact create synchronization in brain waves.

Situations include sitting together but not holding hands, sitting together and holding hands in two different rooms. The situation is constantly repeated and women are the ones who suffer from minor pain in the arm.

When their other half is in the same room, whether they touch it or not, the researchers found that there is a synchronized brain wave in the mu band. This is also the wave band associated with attention and concentration.

The brain wave synchronization occurs most strongly when the couple is clutching each other's hands and the wife is suffering from pain in the arm.

In case the couple does not hold hands and the wife suffers pain, the brain wave synchronization is significantly reduced. This partly shows that sitting close enough is not enough, only hands-on and skin contact create the synchronization in brain waves.

Goldstein revealed: "It seems that the pain was completely interrupted when the brain wave synchronization appeared between the couples."

In addition, when the husband is heartbroken when the partner suffers pain, the wife's brain activity also increases significantly and helps to ease the pain.

Picture 3 of Holding hands with your lover, your partner is an effective way to relieve physical pain
Real fist has a connection to pain relief.

Although it is unclear why this strange phenomenon occurred between two different brains, there is a fact we often see, that is when someone sympathizes and shares the pain with you, right away immediately the brain will feel more comfortable and relaxed.

This is not the first study to understand the effect of fist with the brain. Previous studies have also found that fists are actually linked to the ability to relieve pain, regulate the heart rate and the speed of breathing between couples.

However, the latest research has added data related to brain waves. Besides, the experimental scale is not too big, but it is enough to prove partly the extremely complicated biological mysteries inside people.

The study has now been published in the online edition of the American Academy of Sciences (PNAS).