Find a way to kill cancer cells in liquid metal

Dr Yue Lu, a member of the research team, said such treatment would last for a day and metal ligands could be absorbed without leaving a toxin or removed from the body. in normal ways.

In early 2016, researchers at the University of North Carolina and Chapel Hill found a whole new way to fight cancer: using biodegradable liquid metal in the biological environment. Can kill cancer cells when taken into the body.

Picture 1 of Find a way to kill cancer cells in liquid metal
This idea comes from the Terminator movie with the T-1000 killer machine.

Specifically, biological engineer Zhen Gu said the idea came from the Terminator movie with the T-1000 killer machine, known for its liquid metal body that could adapt to any environment and Find your target for it. This liquid metal compound will also perform the same task, but their target will be tumors inside the human body.

Named for nano-Terminator , the molecules of the compound including non-toxic biodegradable metal outer shells and cores are specific drugs for cancer. To prepare this particular drug, scientists used gallium-indium alloy and brought it into a complex solution that forms polymer ligands. After that, this complex solution will be bombarded by ultrasound so that the alloy molecules turn into nanoparticles with a diameter of about 100 nanometers. Ligands will be responsible for separating these nanoparticles so that they do not merge into their original form.

Picture 2 of Find a way to kill cancer cells in liquid metal
Molecules of compounds including non-toxic biodegradable metal outer shells and cores are specific drugs for cancer.

Thereafter, the cancer drug doxorubicin will be injected into this complex solution and these ligands will absorb the drug into its core. This complex solution can be taken as a direct injection or injected form. Besides, another type of ligand is also added to increase the chances of finding cancer cells. After being introduced into the body, these nanoparticles are absorbed by the tumor receptor and penetrated into the cancer cells. At this time, the outer membrane will break and the drug doxorubicin can begin the process of destroying your tumor.

Picture 3 of Find a way to kill cancer cells in liquid metal

Dr Yue Lu, a member of the research team, said such treatment would last for a day and metal ligands could be absorbed without leaving a toxin or removed from the body. in normal ways. In addition, Dr. Lu asserted that treatment in this way is more effective than the use of doxorubicin directly because it can cause complications for ovarian cancer in women - these are the results. Test results on mice.