Find 'hell gate' in myth

Italian archaeologists announced that they discovered Pluto Cave, also known as the mythical "hell gate", in southwestern Turkey.

In Roman and Greek mythology, earth and hell are connected by a cave. The Greeks called this cave Ploutonion, and in Latin American language it was called Plutonium. However, the media often call it Pluto.

Many historical documents indicate that Pluto Cave is located in the Hierapolis World Heritage Site of Phrygia Region - now Pamukkale City, Denizli Province in Turkey.

Picture 1 of Find 'hell gate' in myth
Illustration of Pluto cave in Pamukkale city,
Denizli province in Turkey. (Photo: Discovery News)

Strabo, a Greek geographer who lived from 63 BC until about 24 AD, described Pluto cave as follows: "The gas in that place is so dense that people hardly see the bottom of All animals die instantly when they get into the cave, I throw the parrots into the cave and see them stop breathing and fall immediately.

Francesco D'Andria, professor of archeology at Salento University in Italy, said he and his colleagues found the Pluto cave at Pamukkale, Discovery News reported.

"We found the Pluto cave by recreating the flow of a hot spring. In fact, the hot springs at Pamukkale all originate from Pluto cave," D'Andria said.

The archaeological team felt the presence of toxic gas during excavation during the two years. Some birds died of CO2 when they came near the cave. They saw many columns with words indicating the dedication to Pluto and Kore - the two gods of hell. The remains of a temple, a lake and a few steps above the cave are also visible. Everything that the research team found coincides with the description of the "hell gate" in ancient documents.

"Ordinary people just stand on the steps above the cave to observe the divine rituals. Only the missionaries are allowed to stand near" the gates of hell. They sacrificed cows for the god Pluto, " explained D'Andria.

When the Hierapolis heritage, which was an ancient city in Greece, was born around 190 BC. It became part of the Roman Empire in 133 BC. In the 6th century AD, Christian followers destroyed the cave of Pluto. Then the cave collapsed completely by the earthquake.