Find new dinosaurs that have crests like chickens

Scientists have discovered a new dinosaur. The fossils of dinosaurs show that they look like a chicken, especially in the crest.

The new discovery of dinosaurs published in Plos One, said the dinosaur has an official name, Anzu Wyliei .

Matt Lamanna, head of the research team at Carnegie Museum of Natural History in Pittsburgh, said: "We call them" chickens from hell "and give them the same name as the name of a shaped demon. like birds in ancient myths'.

Picture 1 of Find new dinosaurs that have crests like chickens
Scientists have found a new species of dinosaur - Anzu Wyliei, shaped like chickens

The reason for the name is because they are identified as a strange bird with a crest on the head like a crest of a chicken with feathered wings and a strong long tail.

They are about 10 feet (3.05 meters) tall, weigh about 225kg and have an Australian ostrich-like neck.

University of Utah biologist archaeologists have collected in the North and South Dakota the preserved fossil bones almost intact. And then, they put together to determine the identity of this animal.

Scientists believe that they are the species that roamed around Dakota about 66 million years ago, at the same time as Tyrannosaurus Rex's largest carnivorous dinosaur.

Scientists are wondering about the appearance of feathers on its wings. Chances are they have a connection with certain birds.

It is known that the special crest on its head is used to communicate with other Anzu.

Lamanna said: 'Based on the analysis of the rocks found with fossils, Anzu Wyliei dinosaurs can live in wet marshes on the shore of a continental sea, very similar to Louisiana' .

The findings will be studied in more detail and more carefully in determining the identity and relatives of this dinosaur.