Find out how to delete memories

Picture 1 of Find out how to delete memories

Photo: Reuters.

It sounds like the content of a fictional movie, but American scientists have found a way to remove memory from the rat brain without any side effects.

Experts believe that some types of memories are negative such as grief and fear, so they are removed from human memory. Neuroscientist Joe Tsien of the University of Georgia (USA) and his colleagues decided to investigate that possibility in mice.

"All memories have a reason to exist. We draw many important lessons from negative experiences to not make the same mistakes in the future," Joe said.

The study of Joe and colleagues focused on alpha-CaMKII, a protein involved in cognition and memory. The team monitored the activity of alpha-CaMKII in genetically engineered rat brains. They introduced low-intensity currents into mice 'bodies to cause mild shock, while increasing alpha-CaMKII levels in some children' s brain.

The results showed that mice that did not increase alpha-CaMKII levels were fearful when the expert team clamped electrodes into their bodies a second time. Meanwhile, the group gained alpha-CaMKII as calmly as if nothing had happened. This shows that they have forgotten the jerk a few minutes earlier. Tests showed that the memories of the mice's electric shocks remained the same and there was no damage to any parts of the brain.

"By adjusting the amount of alpha-CaMKII in the rat brain, we removed the pre-selected memories. The human brain is much more complicated than the rat brain so I'm not sure we can do the same thing. However, if that happens in the future, I won't be surprised, " Joe said.