Find the legendary city of civilization that has mysteriously disappeared?

The location of the legendary ancient city of Atlantis may eventually be found.

According to Mirror, the flooded ruins that appear in the latest photos may be part of the forgotten city of Atlantis.

Picture 1 of Find the legendary city of civilization that has mysteriously disappeared?
Ancient ruins are believed to be the legendary city off Spain.

Satellite photos help historians learn more about the ruins off Spain.

Experts believe there is groundbreaking evidence, showing the walls of the city of Atlantis were once present in southern Spain.

Marine historian Tim Akers, leading the research team, said there is evidence of a type of cement never seen before in the Spanish offshore ruins.

Picture 2 of Find the legendary city of civilization that has mysteriously disappeared?
Ancient ruins on the northern coast of Cadiz, believed to be the legendary city of Atlantis.

'We collected samples and brought them to the lab in Modena, Italy,' Akers said. 'The results show that these ruins are far older than Roman or Greek times, and are also superior , ' Akers said.

Documentary filmmaker Michael Donnellan immediately thought of the legendary city of Atlantis.'Suddenly we think of humanity that has been developing for a long time. But also mysteriously disappeared, so far. '

'We can learn a lot from this civilization, to help humanity build a better future.'

Specialist Giacomo Falanga works at a laboratory in Modena, Italy, saying the specimen was made up of a variety of materials.

'These structures contain adhesives. The presence of mica, potassium and other trace minerals show evidence of mixing artificial materials. This is considered an ancient concrete. '

Picture 3 of Find the legendary city of civilization that has mysteriously disappeared?
An ancient city sketch computer model, now submerged under water.

Andrea Carpi, a space materials engineer, said: 'We confirm that the specimen is the product of an ancient civilization, remarkable construction. This makes me think that this civilization possesses many modern technologies'.

But it is unclear whether the civilization that the researchers mentioned is true Atlantis.

Atlantis is said to reach the peak of development 11,000 years ago. Evidence of this city appears only in ancient documents 2,350 years ago, in the documentary of the ancient Greek philosopher Plato.

Accordingly, the city of Atlantis is located near a real place on the modern world map, this area is now the Strait of Gibraltar off Spain.

Plato thought that Atlantis' apocalypse was predetermined. Atlantis was eventually engulfed entirely in the sea of ​​water, bringing with it all the essence of this civilization.