Fossils reveal information about life regeneration on Earth after extinct dinosaurs

Fossils excavated in Colorado (USA) are making archaeologists extremely happy because it contains valuable information related to the life after the dinosaurs became extinct.

Fossils excavated in Colorado (USA) are making archaeologists extremely happy because it contains valuable information related to the life after the dinosaurs became extinct.

During the extinction event when an asteroid hit Earth about 66 million years ago, it not only marked the end of dinosaurs, but also other giant creatures and plant species.

Picture 1 of Fossils reveal information about life regeneration on Earth after extinct dinosaurs

Extremely rare fossils have been discovered.

Fossils of dinosaurs and other vertebrates are currently relatively common, but details of what happened right after the asteroid attack were lacking information.

The path from mass extinction to the rise of mammals and the appearance of humans remains a mystery. Until now, the newly discovered fossils seem to provide the answer for a million years after the death of dinosaurs.

Discovered by scientists from the Denver Museum of Science & Nature in Colorado, the fossil was first identified in 2016.

Picture 2 of Fossils reveal information about life regeneration on Earth after extinct dinosaurs

The veil of mystery after the dinosaur's extermination is slowly being revealed.

At that time, Dr. Tyler Lyson was the curator of vertebral paleontology research at the museum and the author who started hunting for egg-shaped rocks and uncovering special things.

With the help of Dr. Ian Miller, the researchers broke down the stones as though they were concreting and found a large amount of fossilized remains.

Inside is the skull of mammals from the first generations that survived the mass extinction event. In fact, most of what is understood from this era is based on small fragments of fossils, such as those of mammalian teeth. However, this time instead, the researchers found more than a dozen skulls.

As a result of the study period, nearly 1,000 vertebrate fossils have been recovered from this area, and overall fossils from at least 16 different mammal species have been identified. These include entirely new species, as well as the ancestors of animals like pigs today.

Combined with fossil plant records, the fossils are a new window that opens the door into a lesser known stage in Earth's development.

  • Research to recreate the process of forming life in the universe
  • Life on Earth has been exposed to temperatures of 75 degrees Celsius
Update 30 October 2019



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