Found drugs to prevent stroke and heart attack

Scientists have discovered a drug that can prevent heart attacks or strokes for people aged 50 or older and work for a period of 11 years, they named ' polypill '.

Picture 1 of Found drugs to prevent stroke and heart attack
(Photo: Medicaldaily)

The study was published by Queen Mary University scientists in London on Thursday, and they added that it is a three-layer pill that lowers blood pressure and reduces cholesterol in the body , These are the main causes of stroke and heart attack.

These pills have been tested on people without a history of cardiovascular disease aged 50 or older and they work to reduce blood pressure and blood cholesterol by 12%, according to research published. in PLoS One magazine.

Dr David Wald, who participated in the drug study, said: " The health effects of the drug are huge. It is estimated that about 28% of people aged 50 and over are avoided or maintained. postponing heart attacks and strokes '.

" On average, people who take drugs will not have any heart attack or stroke for 11 years ."

According to the researchers, the drug is a placebo that has been randomly tested, so its results are highly accurate and reliable.

Currently, researchers are calling for support to ' polypill ' reach the community and it is estimated that if about 50% of people aged 50 and over take medication, there will be about 94,000 heart attacks and strokes. stop in the UK every year.

Picture 2 of Found drugs to prevent stroke and heart attack