Franklin's special ideas

Benjamin Franklin for many has been associated with the image of a kite, a key and a lightning bolt. We honor him for his achievements in science and for the fact that he signed the Declaration of Independence in 1776.

As a passionate natural observer all his life, Franklin at the age of 42 accumulated a fair amount of money from his printing job so he could retire and spend time pursuing his passion for scientific research. mine.

Franklin proved he was one of America's greatest and most productive inventors. He was renowned for his inventions such as lightning rod, motor vehicle meter, bifocals and many other things. In the words of most historians, it is the dedication to improving the quality of life with useful inventions that is his eternal asset.

The staff of the Franklin Institute, in charge of managing the science museum named after him, said: 'In the 1700s, scientists were still known to think about the laws of action of all things to find ways Let them work better. Every time Franklin had a problem and tried to answer it, he was really a scientist then. '

The inventions below are just a few of his miraculous innovations. Perhaps they are not as well-known as the theory of electricity, ocean currents or the Gulf Stream but they also add color to our lives.

Picture 1 of Franklin's special ideas
(Photo: LiveScience)

Glass of acmonica with glass

Franklin loved music, he played and composed himself. On an excursion in the UK foggy country, he saw a musician playing music by tapping on the glasses of glass with different sizes and containing a different amount of liquid. Excited by this idea, Franklin embarked on the invention of a more complex version of this cup mouth.

With the help of a glassmaker, the piano was born. With water-soaked fingers, Franklin set his soul on 37 glass hemispheres on a rotating rod attached to a wooden rack to create different notes according to the thickness of the glass hemisphere.

Both Mozart and Beethoven have composed classic tunes exclusively for this instrument.

Picture 2 of Franklin's special ideas

Charles James (Benjamin Franklin designed) - (Photo: Peter Harholdt)

Inventing 'rowers'

As a swimmer, Franklin knew how to swim from a young age. He has also affirmed the health benefits of this sport in his later works.

At the age of 11, he invented a pair of fins. Unlike today's modern propellers, it is worn on human hands to help strengthen the arm span. His swimming contributions also earned him the honor of being included in the list of international swimmers famous after his death.

Library chair and long arm

Spending most of his time at the Philadelphia library, Franklin intends to improve simple items for enjoying books. First, he turned the library chair into a multifunctional device that could be used as a chair or as a small ladder. In order to get books out of reach, Franklin built a 'long arm' with fingers that could be splayed or pinned down by a zipper.

  1. Franklin - Kite & lightning
  2. Franklin - Conquer the fire god