Giant squid is nearly 6 m long

American scientists accidentally caught a 5.9 m squid on the Gulf of Mexico.

The AP said that in 1954 a giant squid was seen on the Mississippi Delta. Since then no giant squid has been discovered.

Picture 1 of Giant squid is nearly 6 m long

The ink is 5.9 m long.(Photo: National Geographic)

US officials announced that the giant squid in the Gulf of Mexico weighs 46.7 kg. It is caught in a trawl at a depth of about 450 m near the coast of Louisiana. A research vessel dropped the net. Scientists on the ship work for the Department of Mineral Administration of the US Department of the Interior and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. They released nets to study the diet of sperm whales.

The squid died immediately after being brought to the surface. The corpse was preserved and sent to the Natural History Museum at the Smithsonian Institution. It is important because scientists rarely catch giant ink. So today people know very little about them.

Giant squid (body length can reach 12 m) often appears in deep water fisheries such as Spain, New Zealand. This is the first time a large squid has been captured by a scientific research vessel on the Gulf of Mexico.

Picture 2 of Giant squid is nearly 6 m long

Scientists take pictures with the giant squid.(Photo: AP)