Google Earth finds planes submerged under the sea?

A man in England was shocked and did not believe his eyes after discovering a sunken plane on the Google Earth browser.

A man in England was shocked and did not believe his eyes after discovering a sunken plane on the Google Earth browser. Robert Morton, 55, found an incredible image under the sea near Edinburgh.

Morton, a mechanical blacksmith, father of three in Doncaster (UK), said the image displayed an underwater plane and told Mirror Online that the discovery was "particularly amazing".

Picture 1 of Google Earth finds planes submerged under the sea?

Images on Google Earth show a plane in the sea.

Morton also said: 'On November 5 when I was simply surfing on Google Earth, by chance, I skimmed the image of the plane. It seems to be the sea, just off the coast of Edinburgh. It seems that the plane is submerged under water. It is very, very strange. Unbelievable. I have never seen a plane above '.

So what is the real story behind the picture?

Morton said, he had never heard of a case in that area, and at the same time raised a practical solution to the mystery.

He described his search as an "unusual thing of Google". "In fact, the plane is not underwater, perhaps because the satellite camera has captured the image of the plane through a thin cloud so it has that image."

Google has been asked to comment on this story, but no response yet.

Update 18 December 2018



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