Google introduced an online spreadsheet that competes with Microsoft

Today (June 6), Google plans to introduce a new spreadsheet program to compete with the field that has long been Microsoft's exclusive strength.

Although there's a lot of work to do, Google's online spreadsheet will provide customers and business customers with a free alternative to a Microsoft Excel application - a product sold with a bundle. Office software has long had no rival in the market.

Picture 1 of Google introduced an online spreadsheet that competes with Microsoft To avoid overloading the server system, in the first time, Google's online spreadsheet will only be available to certain customers. The company also needs more time to adjust, add, and modify features to make this app more attractive.

Google is expected to start registering online spreadsheets from 9 am today (EDT) on some of the world's largest Internet search sites. However, the company did not disclose how many people will be allowed to access the new application.

According to Google representatives, online spreadsheets will not be as complicated as Excel. For example, it will not create charts or provide a list of control functions when right-clicking.

Google also said that the main purpose of the program is to provide easier access to spreadsheets from anytime, anywhere for family, friends, employees .; allowing a group of people (allowed) to have the ability to add and edit data without sending or receiving additional e-mail attachments.

However, to be able to send and distribute online spreadsheets via the Internet and also to protect information against illegal objects, this process requires users to accept "trust" mode ( trust) any content from Google. From here, there will be concerns about security and privacy. It is not easy for companies to accept any kind of content from a supplier, and many users are ignorant because of the possibility of being overheard by the government.

Online spreadsheets are Google's latest software application, which uses an Internet connection to work instead of running on a computer hard drive. A little while ago (March 2006), Google acquired the Writely online word processing application and soon launched a new online calendar service.

According to analysts, all these free programs are a threat to Microsoft, which has built and confirmed its reputation through programs such as Office, Windows.

VH - ( AP )