'Great extinction' used to happen on Earth

About 95% of marine animals and 70% of terrestrial animals have disappeared from Earth in a disaster about 250 million years ago, US and Australian scientists said.

Picture 1 of 'Great extinction' used to happen on Earth (Photo: Flickr) Experts at James Cook University, Townsville, Queensland (Australia) and Field Museum, Chicago (USA) warn that the impact on the ecosystem, if it continues to happen today, may cause a similar disaster.

After studying the number of marine animals during the past 540 million years, they concluded that all animals with simple body composition were destroyed. More complex living organisms, such as crab and shrimp, have survived.

This biological extinction disaster occurred about 250 million years ago, when the Earth is thought to have only one continent, surrounded by a great deal. The team did not understand the cause of the disaster, but they argued that species with simple body structures were replaced by more complex species.

"Our analysis shows that 'great extinction' not only forever changes species diversity but also changes the ocean ecosystem," said Peter Wagner, manager of the animal area. There are fossil backbones at Field Museum and the team leader, claims.

Experts warn that activating marine ecology shows that humans are making many ecosystems return to the same status as 540 million years ago, before the outbreak of animal species. out. Wagner said: "The meteorite that once made extinct dinosaurs couldn't do that."

Viet Linh