Greece discovered two 3,500-year-old tombs

The Greek Ministry of Culture said the dome of two tombs near the Pylos palace in the Bronze Age collapsed in ancient times. Inside the tomb is full of soil and rubble so that grave robbers can not break in to steal artifacts.

Picture 1 of Greece discovered two 3,500-year-old tombs
Inside the 3,500-year-old tombs, there is a gold ring and amulet for an ancient Egyptian goddess.(Photo: AP).

However, the tombs have been disturbed over time, unlike another Mycenaea tomb found in 2015, containing gold and silver treasures, jewels and bronze arms buried in the same taste. King, is said to rule the early Pylos region.

Excavated artifacts from two graves include a gold ring and golden amulets by an ancient Egyptian goddess, showing the link between culture and commerce in the Bronze Age. The Greek Ministry of Culture said the finding was particularly important because it elucidated the early stages of Greek Mycenaea civilization.

The bigger tomb is 12m in diameter, the stone walls are 4.5m high, half lower than the original height. The other tomb is about two-third the size of the big tomb and the walls are 2 meters high. Both tombs are of a type of tomb with a giant dome-shaped structure dedicated to the royal family Mycenae, which can reach a height of 15m.

They have been excavated by archaeologists from the University of Cincinnati, USA in the past 2 years. They also discovered the Warrior Griffin tomb containing treasures and many decorations in it.

  1. 3,500-year-old warrior tomb in southern Greece discovered
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