Having good genes, people will live longer

People will live beyond the age of 100 if they possess good genes and ensure a healthy lifestyle. That is a new discovery about human lifespan related to genes that scientists have announced.

Researchers claim that they have identified 150 common DNA patterns that help people have a very long life . And they believe that this information (with an accuracy of about 77%) will be very helpful in preventing and treating life-threatening diseases in young people.

The group of researchers at Boston University, USA, found the genetic code of longevity especially through studying 1000 people in their 100s and comparing them to the genetic code of people with average life expectancy. .

Picture 1 of Having good genes, people will live longer
Owning good genes and a healthy lifestyle will help people live longer.

While living environment and family history are factors that affect the health of a fairly stable age, genetic changes play an important and complex role in prolonging life.

The team has identified a group of genetic changes that can help people live longer (about 77% accurately). This is considered a new breakthrough in discovering the role of genes in determining human lifespan.

Based on the assumption that long-lived people often carry a group of synthetic genes that affect their lifespan and survival, the research team conducted genome studies of people with longevity: 100 years old. .

Researchers led by Professor Paola Sebastiani have developed a unique model consisting of 150 modified genes and referred to as SNPs for short. They found that these 150 gene variants are among the long-lived groups (more than 90 years old).

The analysis of the researchers also identified 19 genetic groups, or genetic markers, of longevity . Scientists also claim that different signs are related to differences in infection rates and infection ages.

Dr Thomas Perls, director of the New England Center for Long-lived Research, said: " Genetic symbols are an important step towards personalizing predictive genes and medicine, where methods Analysis can be usefully used in disease prevention and classification as well as drug prescriptions '.

Professor Sebastiani said through the available data that the long life of humans could be the result of ' defensive genes ' likely to reduce the effects of disease on the health of the body and contribute. The part that minimizes the development of most diseases to prolong life.