High-tech armor for Russian soldiers

New combat armor can help Russian troops to increase their strength and toughness and battlefield awareness.

Russia's National Academy of Science and Technology in Moscow on June 29 introduced combat armor, as in the "Star Wars" fictional movie, Business Insider reported on June 30.

According to RT, the armor was designed to hug soldiers' bodies and have an extra set of artificial skeletons to enhance strength and endurance in combat on the battlefield.

Armor can also protect Russian soldiers from infantry, artillery shells and can be used in a variety of combat environments.

Picture 1 of High-tech armor for Russian soldiers
Armor can protect Russian troops against infantry types.

According to military expert Andy Lynch, the armor also includes a combat cap that covers both the head and face, which is fitted with a battlefield display and communication system to help soldiers perceive and control. control the battlefield effectively.

"Russia hopes to bring this armor into battle within the next few years , " said Oleg Bochkarev, deputy chairman of the Russian Military Industry Complex.

Military experts say Russian engineers still have technical problems related to the design of the battery, which is capable of supplying power to many complex parts, especially the skeletons , of the armor.