How do the animals sleep?

It was an animal, so everyone had to sleep, from a tiny fruit fly to a blue whale weighing 180 tons. The problem is whether they sleep the same or not! For example, the humpback dolphin can sleep while still swimming. Something strange is about

Picture 1 of How do the animals sleep?
It was an animal, so everyone had to sleep, from a tiny fruit fly to a blue whale weighing 180 tons. The problem is whether they sleep the same or not! For example, the humpback dolphin can sleep while still swimming.

Another strange thing is that half of the dolphin's brain can be awake when they sleep to easily control breathing and there is an eye open to watch things around!

The white-headed sparrow can sleep both . heavenly. Particularly the elephant species championed about sleeping less, only about 4 hours / day. Lion species (especially males) can sleep anywhere and every day they can sleep up to 12 hours.

In general, in every animal, sleep has the main effect of regenerating glucose needed for brain activity and detoxifying detoxify, especially 'free radicals' (original organic matter). freedom) is harmful to their bodies, almost the same as humans.


Update 16 December 2018



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