How does bear go to WC when hibernating?

Bears often have a hibernation that lasts for half a year. There are things at this time, are they going to pray?

Every time I collect it, almost all the bears in the world begin to frantically prepare shelter to sleep for a long time, pass through the cold cuts of the winter skin.

A hibernation of a bear can last up to 6 months. During this time, the bear's body temperature dropped, the heart rate also decreased from 55 beats / minute to 9, while the metabolic rate was only 53%.

But there is a slightly delicate issue. Is it during the hibernation process that bears have "gone heavy" ?

Picture 1 of How does bear go to WC when hibernating?
Sleeping face down, bear have "poop"?

The answer is no ! Bears can spend the whole winter without having to settle. However, how do they do that?

According to Brian Barnes of Alaska Fairbanks University's Institute of Arctic Biology, who has been studying black bears for many years, the bear created a "stool button" to . cover the back gate, not letting waste escape. .

Picture 2 of How does bear go to WC when hibernating?
During 5 - 7 months of hibernation, bears accumulate an amount of stool up to 6.4cm in diameter.

In the past, when studying the hibernation of bears, experts said bears created this plug by eating tons of difficult to digest food. However, according to recent research, it turns out this is a separate mechanism of bears. Even when not eating, the cells and intestinal secretions continue to form feces, forming a rectal knot, preventing waste from going to the tailgate.

On the website of the North American Bear Center, it states: "During 5 - 7 months of hibernation, bears accumulate a fecal amount of up to 6.4 cm in diameter to form a blocking button. This button is simply a decay. , absorbed by the intestinal wall, becomes dry and very hard ".

Picture 3 of How does bear go to WC when hibernating?
The first thing after the wake of the bear is . "going bad".

Therefore, the first thing after the wake of the bear is . "going bad". Barnes said: "After about 6 to 7 months in the cave, the first thing the bear does after waking is to defecate - usually right near the mouth of the cave. Fortunately, what they emit has a slight smell, not too horrible. as usual".