Study hibernating bears to save people

Hibernate bears are one of the strange things of nature. They can sleep for months without eating, even the female bears maintain the fetus during this process.

Picture 1 of Study hibernating bears to save people

Therefore, experts from Alaska Fairbanks University (USA) are conducting research on bear's body activity during hibernation to find ways to save people who fall into serious injuries such as those in diseases. multiplication of heart attack and stroke.

According to scientists, such injuries cause a very urgent problem: the amount of blood carrying oxygen to the brain is dramatically reduced while the body's needs remain normal. In this case, it is prudent to get the patient to the hospital as quickly as possible to avoid serious consequences such as disability and even death.

If experts determine how hibernating bears limit metabolic requirements (lowering to 75% compared to normal), it may help to find effective treatments for these patients. Initial research showed that bear breaths 2 times / minute and heart rate decreased to 20 seconds / beat during hibernation, according to AFP .