How much does it cost to sit in Earth to send letters to loved people on Mars?

You must paste the 18,416 first-class stamps of Royal Mail to cover the cost of the letter.

NASA is likely to indirectly push up the imagination of young children with the Martian mission. Specifically, a young boy named Oliver Giddings asked Royal Mail, the UK's state postal carrier, how much it would cost to send a letter to Mars.

Royal Mail, of course, could not refuse an interesting question, they contacted NASA experts to assess the cost of such a letter. The distance between Earth and Mars, the amount of fuel needed and even the price of stamps to send a 100-gram envelope from Britain to NASA's nearest base was taken into account.

Picture 1 of How much does it cost to sit in Earth to send letters to loved people on Mars?
How much will it cost to send a letter to Mars?

The specific number that Oliver received was 11,602 pounds of 25 pence, equivalent to 17,427 USD. It is indeed a large amount of money. Compare it to the cost that NASA sent their Curiosity self-propelled vehicle to the red planet, about $ 700 million. More than $ 17,000 is probably the right number for the letter to be transferred 56 million kilometers away.

"We have given the exact number based on the information that NASA provided and the current price list of Royal Mail," said Andrew Smout, a senior customer consultant for the postal service.

" Fuel for vehicles is the most expensive issue for a letter. As simple as sending a letter to the US by jet will be much more expensive to send it to France. That's because the distance to the US is long. " Smout explained to Oliver.

Picture 2 of How much does it cost to sit in Earth to send letters to loved people on Mars?
Oliver boy and his hobby of exploring the universe.

The boy's mother said that Oliver was happy that his question received the attention of Royal Mail."It's expensive. You will have to put a lot of stamps," Oliver wrote to Royal Mail. What an interesting fantasy. According to the price list of Royal Mail, their 18,416 first-class stamps were enough for the letter's fee . Or in the future Royal Mail must sell a new stamp to Mars.

Talking about the journey to find the answer for the boy, Smout said that Royal Mail always wanted to answer every question that customers asked them."Although the answer to the question is a bit time-consuming, our team was excited about finding the exact number , " Smout said.

Now, perhaps Oliver was satisfied with Royal Mail's answer. Imagine the interplanetary postal service could be a far future ahead. However, going back to reality, right now NASA is carrying out the operation of recruiting astronauts for their first manned flight to Mars. It is expected that the first mission will take place in 2030 and that is a much closer milestone.