How to grow daffodils to welcome Tet for the new year is peaceful

Daffodils not only have a cool scent but also bring prosperity and luck to the homeowners. How to plant narcissus is not too picky and does not require too much preparation so anyone can plant a beautiful pot of narcissus to celebrate Tet.

Picture 1 of How to grow daffodils to welcome Tet for the new year is peaceful
Narcissus brings luck to homeowners during Tet.

At the end of autumn, early winter is the best time to plant narcissus. So why wait any longer without following the way of planting daffodils that we guide below.

How to plant narcissus


Picture 2 of How to grow daffodils to welcome Tet for the new year is peaceful
Prepare flower pots.

  1. Daffodils
  2. Gravel
  3. 3-4 deep plates and ceramic bowls
  4. Clean water

Prepare flower bulbs: When buying the narcissus, the board peels off the brown sheath outside the bulb, then soak it for 48 hours for a succulent peel to make it easier to peel.

Picture 3 of How to grow daffodils to welcome Tet for the new year is peaceful
How to peel the daffodils.

Go to the split, carefully remove the shells by removing a knife from the top down to about 2/3 of the bulb and round it around the bulb and gently separate the shells.

Note when peeling, you need to be very careful to avoid cutting into the flower stalks, flowers and leaves.

Then germinate and cut the leaves carefully.

And finally, after you have cleaned the clearest, you soak the tubers in the water.

Prepare planted stones

Here, we are instructing you how to grow narcissus in water and use gravel to keep the plant (both beautiful and clean) because this is a flower that does not require soil, however, you can apply planting methods. Narcissus in soil if desired.

Picture 4 of How to grow daffodils to welcome Tet for the new year is peaceful
How to grow narcissus with gravel.

You fill up gravel into half or 2/3 of a bowl or ceramic plate.

How to plant:

  1. You place the prepared daffodils on the gravel so that the roots are down.

Picture 5 of How to grow daffodils to welcome Tet for the new year is peaceful
Put narcissus bulbs in pots.

  1. Then, pour more water near the root of the flower root. Note that the narcissus only prefers clean water so you will have to change water regularly. You must not pour the whole tuber to avoid making rot.

Picture 6 of How to grow daffodils to welcome Tet for the new year is peaceful
Water to the roots.

  1. When planting, you can place the bulbs closely together without keeping distance.

Picture 7 of How to grow daffodils to welcome Tet for the new year is peaceful
How to grow daffodils.

  1. Then, put the flower pot in a warm room. After 20-30 days, the narcissus will grow and start to flower. To be able to play narcissus during winter, you can plant flower bowls about 1-2 weeks apart.

Picture 8 of How to grow daffodils to welcome Tet for the new year is peaceful
Narcissus when flowering.

Some notes in how to grow daffodils to celebrate Tet

Characteristics of narcissus

Narcissus is a very special flower, growing in the autumn, blooming in winter and storing nutrients in the spring, and in the summer, the narcissus sleeps. Narcissus love light very much, likes a moist environment but is afraid of cold. You need to note this trait while planting and caring for narcissus.

Picture 9 of How to grow daffodils to welcome Tet for the new year is peaceful
Narcissus blooms in winter.

Narcissus is tolerant to cold but in cold weather conditions the flower plant grows very slowly and long for flowering.

Choose daffodils

When planting narcissus in water, you need to choose healthy tubers, about 23 cm in diameter. When buying tubers, you should buy by weight, the less tubers per 1kg, the bigger and bigger the bulb.

Picture 10 of How to grow daffodils to welcome Tet for the new year is peaceful
Select round and flat narcissus.

You should also choose narcissus that is round, flattened, firm, the outer shell has a large, long, shiny, brownish bulb.

Note on the flower buds: you can use your hands to gently squeeze, if the skin is strong and elastic. You should not choose spongy, flattened and inelastic buds.

Take care of

Narcissus after putting it in the pot, you should pay attention to changing the water 1 time per day, after that it can increase to 2, 3 days, then change once.

When the flower bag grows, change your water once a week.

After about 40 days of care, the flowers will bloom.

Picture 11 of How to grow daffodils to welcome Tet for the new year is peaceful
Attentive narcissus care to plant flowers right on Tet.

In order to grow well, every day the plants need to receive 6 hours of lighting. If there is not enough light, the leaves will grow long and small and give little flowers so it will not look good. However, you should not expose the tree to the sun because it will make the tree easy to die.

Narcissus soil must have a lot of nutrition, fresh foam, potted plants must have good water retention capacity. Narcissus grows normally at a pH of 5 - 7.5.

If you plant narcissus in a pot of soil, the ratio is as follows: 2 parts of sandy soil, 1 part of sand, 1 part of basal fertilizer and 1 part of leaf.