Hybrids between humans and controversial animals in the UK

British scientists are worried that plans to hybridize human and animal cells to seek treatment for diseases caused by degeneration will have to be postponed temporarily. After many unbelievable public opinion, the ministers proposed to offer suspicion and ecir

British scientists are worried that plans to hybridize human and animal cells to seek treatment for diseases caused by degeneration will have to be postponed temporarily. After many unpopular opinions, the British ministers proposed to include this research activity in the illegal list.

Picture 1 of Hybrids between humans and controversial animals in the UK

Descendants of humans and chimpanzees. A few years ago, some scientists intended to carry out the hybridization of humans and chimpanzees (Photo: LiveScience)

The creation of hybrid human and animal embryos was conducted to address the lack of egg cells for research.

Researching young cells - cells that can develop into all kinds of tissues - give hope to treat many diseases, including Alzheimer's.

Researchers say the use of hybrid embryos between humans and animals to get young cells is important because human egg cells are not enough. Moreover, this process is simple and gives better results. Hybrid embryos are formed with 99% human factors and a few animal ingredients.

According to the press, researchers can continue their work in some areas, such as modifying the cell's genetic structure to make the embryo. However, the government wants to prohibit the breeding of human embryos - animals, also known as " monsters that goat the lion's head ", ie transplant genetic material from humans into animal eggs.

The Agency for Human Embryology and Pregnancy (HFEA) considers this to be controversial and unknown whether it is in accordance with applicable law, even if researchers may not be licensed by the agency. certification.

According to the objection, this breeding is contrary to nature and ruins morality. Meanwhile, researchers still hope and urge people to understand what they are doing.


Update 17 December 2018



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