Hygienic habits are useless

Breathing when the person next to sneezing is completely useless because the pathogen exists in the air, it's best to stay away a few meters away.

Public places are full of bacteria and not all hygiene measures are really helpful. Here are 5 habits you should quit right away, according to Woman's Health.

Use your feet to shock the toilet

You can only really avoid bacteria if you think of ways to close them yourself, opening the toilet without your hands because the door of the toilet is the dirtiest place. Better use paper towels and wash your hands with soap.

Stop breathing when the next person sneezes

This is of no use unless you hold your breath for a long time because the pathogen exists in the air. Safest, stay away so that you don't get saliva or mucus on your body.

Picture 1 of Hygienic habits are useless
If the person next to you sneezes, stay away so that you don't get saliva or mucus on your body.(Photo: Citylab).

Wipe the cup mouth when drinking together

The act of cleaning the saliva on the cup mouth has never been scientifically proven. No matter how thoroughly you clean up, your body is still at risk of being attacked by pathogens. The best solution is to lie when you are flu so no one drinks with you .

Wear gloves when withdrawing money at ATM

In this way, the bacteria from ATM will transfer into gloves. When removing gloves, they immediately move to your hand or mouth.

Put paper on the toilet

Sitting directly on a public toilet can hardly make you sick. In all cases, the best way to protect your health is to wash your hands and limit touching your eyes, nose, or mouth.