Ideal eco house in Japan

Located in Tokyo Bay, Panasonic's 262-square-meter eco-house is considered the 'dream home' of environmentalists.

Picture 1 of Ideal eco house in Japan

Picture 2 of Ideal eco house in Japan

Ideal eco house of Panasonic and inside the living room.Photo: Technologia, Panasonic

Panasonic combines state-of-the-art technology for saving, producing and storing energy with natural elements such as wind, light, water and heat to create an environmentally friendly home with a total CO emission. 2 is almost equal to 0. The whole house uses clean energy from solar panels on the roof combined with fuel cells in the backyard. Surplus electricity will be stored back into the lithium-ion rechargeable battery system. Hot water pipes are used to heat the floor.

With smart high-tech and super-energy-saving equipment, the 'ideal eco-house' is committed to saving electricity anytime, anywhere while ensuring comfort for the homeowners during the four seasons. year.

According to Panasonic Chairman Fumio Ohtsubo, the sensor system tracks people in the house as they move from room to room. Depending on room temperature conditions, it may activate a heater or air-conditioner to 'blow' warm or cool air into the person sitting in the room.

'If someone walks into the kitchen, the lights here will automatically turn on, while the lighting, air conditioning and television systems in the living room will be turned off because the sensor system recognizes the presence of people, temperature and light, ' Ohtsubo said.

Panasonic's eco-house is also equipped with a washing machine that saves half of the water used by simply tilting the washing bucket. There is also a smart refrigerator capable of 'recognizing' users' habits and automatically switching to 'sleep' mode to save electricity if the cabinet door closes silently after a certain period of time.