Identify fake counterfeit goods on Lunar New Year
With only a few days left, the Lunar New Year will come, the Tet from the young and old people and boys and girls are expected for a year. Consumption demand of goods will increase highly during Tet. The status of counterfeit goods mixed into consumer goods made many people more worried. Here are some pictures to help you distinguish some essential items for the Lunar New Year, which are items you can't ignore.
Difference between real and imitation toilet bowl wash water.
Lux's real and fake shower gel.
Pond's white skin cream is fake and real.
Genuine converse brand.
Pay close attention to the product packaging.
Omo detergent is real and fake.
Clear and fake shampoo.
The main noodles are real and fake.
A series of images of fake and real products as above, be more careful in shopping and consumption. Use wisdom to enjoy a happy, happy New Year.
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